Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm a mess..

I know this. But I didn't realize until I got BACK from McDonalds how exactly messy I actually looked!

A week or so ago, my nephew said to me... "I'm going to buy you a brush, so you can brush your hair." I had already told him that I don't NEED a brush. I comb my hair after I wash it and that is all. No gel, no mousse, no hairspray. Basically, a brush would not help me... but I can't be bothered with wasting money on extraneous hair products. It's funny he didn't mention anything this morning when he saw me. I suppose he was too preoccupied with being grumpy.


DaveO said...

A teenager was a grumple stiltskin?

Say it ain't so!

Hair is only bad when the birds get confused.

Spockgirl said...

It was pretty bad... Gave flyaway hair a new meaning, but not quite Einsteinish.

(Oh... and apparently he DID mention my messy hair to his mom before I got into the car.)