Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Been a while since the last time I went on a long walk. Followed the same route as last time and got a few pictures of the rising river. We have been lucky so far considering that the snowpack is still heavy in the local mountains for this time of the year, and we haven't yet had a string of hot days, nor much heavy rain. Technically this isn't a flood ... yet.


Anonymous said...

You've still got snow in the mountains?
Wow, Winter stays long in your part of the world.

DaveO said...

SG - excellent pic of park bench as torii gate. Very cool!

Spockgirl said...

I live in a valley surrounded by mountains, the highest one is around 6000 ft. The snow is sticking around at the higher elevations a lot longer than usual this year, but not so much Winter down here. However, we did have a freak snowstorm in May a few years ago. Anything is possible with the weather these days.

Spockgirl said...

Um... the word "torii" looked Japanese and sounded vaguely familiar, but sadly, I had to google it. Happenstance I suppose, or an innate aesthetic?

DaveO said...


I initially thought 'Shinto Shrine,' where torii gates are usually found. That was the connection for me.

My thoughts on your frame of mind, as you framed the picture, was of the incongruity of the bench in its setting of water: a place of repose placed beyond repose by a water feature that should bring peace.

Why did you take these photos?

Spockgirl said...

"the incongruity of the bench in its setting of water"... Yes.

For a piece of my Peace, you may proceed here.

"Why did you take these photos?"
Hmm... Interesting question.
1. Because I can.
2. Because it is where I live.
3. Because it is where I exist.

Note: That was not intended to sound flippant.