Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

There is no normal anymore...

I woke up today feeling rested for the first time in months, and I had woken up early to boot. Not that I needed terribly to share that, but it is odd. So, I decided to break with the norm, again, and do a morning post, and a "humour" one at that.  Rather silly actually. I found a site called "Laughsend", and read my "Funny Horoscope", which says:

"Speaking as a robotic horoscope monster, I can only wish you the best of luck when the revolution comes. Good fortune will stalk you like a mean spirited vulture today and won't spread any of his juicy fortune charm over you. You are not a loser. You just...don't...not...un-win."

You have to admit that is pretty original. Normally, I wouldn't even consider posting such things, but the last two lines were were just too priceless not to share. For a bit o' laugh, read yours here.


KrippledWarrior said...

I've never taken things like that seriously. But yours with the quadruple negatives sent me to look. it was fun. Thanks.

Spockgirl said...

I have had a tendency to take most things in life perhaps a little too seriously. So yes, fun. Glad you read yours.