Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Friday, June 8, 2012

New and different = crazy

The last vacation I took when I actually went somewhere? 1994. One week in a resort on the North Shore of Oahu, which was like heaven, and one week in Waikiki, which was not quite as relaxing, but still considerably more enjoyable than work, which was pretty busy at that time. I think we played tennis every day and didn't leave the resort on any excursions. Usually in bed with lights off by midnight... and ... I would wake up every morning at 6... without an alarm clock... and go stroll on the beach by myself. No footprints aside from my own... No one else around at all.

My passport expired in 1995... I never got it renewed. I guess I must have somehow known that I wouldn't be going anywhere else. Busy at work, travel buddy getting married and having kids, losing eyesight for a period of time, busy at work, buying a house, busy at work, losing my life twenty plus year job due to an office closure, starting a business and wasting all savings, going into debt... pretty much sealed the deal. Technically I am not even making ends meet now. But... for whatever reason, I charged the $89 fee to my Visa and got a new passport this year. That would have paid for a lot of food, but I did it anyways. I have no plans, I have no money, no credit, but ... I have a freaking passport. The reason why this came up tonight is that I was checking out some horoscopes and I had to guffaw when I read this for today.

"Today you might take a trip, Aries, perhaps a long-distance vacation. This may have been planned in advance, but it could just as easily be spur of the moment. You're in the position where you feel secure enough financially and established enough in your working life to cut yourself a little slack and make time for enjoyment. Do something new and different even if others think you're crazy."

The first time I did something new and different, I knew it was insane, but I enjoyed myself and crashed and burned failed miserably at the endeavour. The second time I tried something new and different was the blog... and I had then and still have now, no idea what I'm doing here. The third time? I felt like a complete idiot. The fourth? I consider myself crazier than after the first one... And ... all of these things occurred during and subsequent to my 40th year on the planet. Oh... one other thing I did after turning that age was have my first taste of coffee. I still like the aroma moreso than the taste. I suppose the same could be said of things "new and different".

(Oh... technically I already went on a long-distance vacation, visiting here today.)

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