Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The harbinger

of... blogdeath... am I?

I started my blog three years ago this past March, which means I only began reading blogs about the same time. In the time that has passed, the first longstanding blog that I began regularly commenting on ended due to the blogger deciding to move on. The second one has simply ceased to write on his blog, which is a shame. A few that I found along the way, or that found me via comments on other blogs have since simply ended... Two have been deleted and one no longer posts. Another has been closed down, and yet another has been taken over by an advertisement. Of these, one I had a feeling might have to shut down because of the path the blogger was taking in life and, in my mind would not be able to continue to blog about the particular career of choice. Another one I worry about because he was struggling through some critical life issues and working through them via the blog. It seemed that it was rather abruptly removed. One was a limited run blog due to the nature of its content and another was a life/destination blog about the same age of mine that had grown exponentially in popularity which may be why the site is now an advertisement instead of a blog. I know... life goes on... things change, but it was nice to visit completely different places and views.

Funny the diversity of those blogs, now that I'm trying to think back... There was an ad man in New York who played in a marching band and blogged about life in general, a young former U.S. Marine and Veteran's advocate who wrote beautifully and had a wonderful eye, a young woman embarking in life and a career with law enforcement, a Canadian soldier making his way through PTSD, a guy in England who wrote only about Meg Ryan and Michelle Pfeiffer movies and a young dad who wrote about life and times in Scotland in an engaging manner. There are some blogs that I used to read but that I don't check regularly anymore, so there is a chance there might be more that have gone by the wayside. As for me, I've been tempted to stop a few times, and this last lull of mine which I thought was three days without posting was actually four. Did I miss it? Not really. In those few days did I feel as though I should have posted something... anything? Nope. Was there a major change in my outlook on life? Nope. I could go on with these questions, but I won't. I'm still here. I still don't know why.  


Ralphd00d said...

I think most bloggers go through this stage off and on. I know I have anyways. What's sort of nice, is that after a few days, I actually miss typing out my pathetic crap for everyone to read....

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know I'm still around, and I'm touched to know that you've thought of me on occasion.

Spockgirl said...

At least you have pathetic crap to write about eh?

Spockgirl said...

Glad to hear! Your comment just made me think of something... One of the greatest things in life at any given time, is simply knowing that someone is thinking about you.