Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Monday, January 2, 2012

This doesn't bode well...

or maybe it does... I am not sure yet. Bones picked clean... starting with a fresh palate... or perhaps a year of firsts?

I just realized that I spent the first two days of this new year without seeing a living soul.

I was just thinking that for the first time ever, as far as I can recall, I wore sweatpants on New Year's Day.

It then dawned on me that for the first time ever, other than if I had previously done so whilst ill, I wore the same clothes for two days in a row... and slept in them.

This may have been the first New Year that I did NOT have shrimp dip... (I made it for Christmas.)

Ah... a knocking on the door... Food delivery, so now technically, I didn't spend the first two days of the new year without seeing a living soul.)

Definitely the first time I have received the gift of chocolate ... with a bite taken out of it. (It was excellent though... a key lime truffle.)

For the first time in my life, this winter I find myself needing to wear a robe on TOP of my clothes, with wool socks AND slippers... just to keep moderately lukewarm IN the house. 

The first time in my life that I have felt truly small, and felt like curling up into a little ball, wrapping myself in a blanket and making myself smaller.

The first year... ever... that I have started out having absolutely no clue whatsoever what to do with this life.

Sounds great so far eh?

Hmm... I was just thinking... How is it that everything can be up in the air... but feel like six feet under? But heck... if I can laugh about it ... or I can make someone else smile? It's all good.

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