Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I don't know... something... mom's homemade Chicken Gumbo Soup. Maybe even my own version of French Onion Soup, with cheese broiled to a crisp golden hue on top. (But dammit, the oven is still kaput.) Or that old standby, Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup, but ... without the noodles.... just the hot steamy broth. Sigh... A hot savoury liquid to warm the gullet. My hands are cold... I'm cold.... and I'm hungry... but it is soon to be midnight. Split Pea and Ham.... Cream of Potato and Bacon... Goulash...  Borscht...  even a can of Puritan Beef Stew would do. Arggghhhhhh..... Chunky Chicken Vegetable... Pizza Soup...  Campbell's Tomato Soup made up with milk instead of water. Heavy sigh...


Ryan said...

Happy New Year

DaveO said...

You made up mind: split pea and ham. Soak the peas today/night, and tomorrow they go into the crock pot.

My effort at borsht is best described as an Epic Fail. What're your recipe and techniques?

And: snorkled til I coughed reading this post. Thank you!

Big Sister said...

Have made batch of Mom's Minestrone Soup, if you like. Also some chocolate from Godiva's for you. Interested in some Swiss chocolate? M gave the Gremlins the equivalent of half a bread bowl full of those creamy tidbits. Easy to melt a handful for your hot chocolate.

Next round of split pea and ham is later this week or next.

May do a batch of potato and leek with bacon in a bit.

Someone also craving cake or cupcakes.... Undecided on flavor.

Spockgirl said...

You too!

I have a can of Split Pea and Ham waiting for me in the cupboard. I don't often buy soup, but there was some on sale. And... I rarely, if ever make soup from scratch, so no techniques. I do have a lot of cookbooks though.

You "snorkled" whilst reading... hmmm... Thank you, you just made me laugh.

Spockgirl said...

Big Sis:
Ah... heh... if you had called instead, I could have given you my answer right away. Yes, yes, yes, yes, sounds good, sounds really good, and chocolate or carrot cake cupcakes if you are having trouble making a decision.