Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Silly quiz time...

(Definitely time to lighten up after that rant.)

What Colour is your Personality?

Not quite... I don't think that I am a primary colour. I bet if they added five more questions and five more colours, I'd be purple.

You Are Blue

You are detail oriented and focused. You enjoy keeping your life in order.

You are a perfectionist, and you tend to take your time with tasks. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

It's hard for you to deal with dramatic, flippant, and silly people. You value maturity.

You are a good listener and you expect others to be the same. You expect to be taken seriously.

When Do You Shine?

Well... if I did shine, this would be accurate.

You Shine Early and Late

You're the type who's both a morning and an evening person - you just tend to slow down in the middle of the day.

You wake up fresh and ready to face the world, and then you get a second wind right before bed.

You are calm and steady. You try to pace yourself and find balance in your day.

Your do best in the spring when the world is full of hope and possibilities.

What Field of Science Are You?

Hmm... I think four years ago, the result would have been Physics.

You Are Astronomy

This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there.

You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it.

You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds.

You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey.


Big Sister said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Sister said...

Okay...this blogging comment thingy has changed...

I laughed at my results for the science quiz and I imagine you will be laughing even harder. Please don't fall off your chair.

You Are Physics...

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.

Spockgirl said...

Yes, the whole blogging interface was changed.

Well, I wouldn't have figured you for biology or chemistry.