OK. Now you are really wondering if I am completely off the rocker? I have no connection whatsoever to any branch of the U.S. Military, and only one to the Canadian Military. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but I believe there are approximately 3,000 Canadian troops in Afghanistan and 80,000 or 90,000 U.S. (and some still in Iraq... ). I believe there are 9,000 British and numbers from Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, and many other countries over there. There are plans for troop withdrawals in 2011, ten years after the war was started, but who knows?
Pardon me I'm going to be blunt here. Maybe every once in a while you catch the news and hear about a soldier from some such country being killed. Maybe you pay attention, maybe you don't. You very rarely hear about the two or three guys next to him who didn't die but were wounded. There is a reason why you don't hear about them right away, but this is also why we tend to forget about them. I have read a fair bit about Soldiers Angels and the great things they do. When I read about Project VALOUR IT the other day, I figured "why not." The next question was, do I just put a little button saying "learn more" or "give now"? or something a little more "in your face"? So, I determined to read more and ponder on it. When I decided I would go the "in your face" route, I then had to decide Team Army or Team Marines? The thought of the Air Force or Navy never even crossed my mind, until I looked at the number of bloggers on each team and the money they had already raised. The Navy Team only had three blogs listed at the time and had raised only $425. Then I clicked on a couple of the blogs to check them out, and the one that turned my vote to Team Navy was Boston Maggie. I have other reasons, but I'll get to that in a sec.
I know I have very few visitors here, but if I can get even one person to donate in order to enable some wounded warrior to communicate with his or her loved ones, to diarize his or her thoughts, or even blog like the man himself (read more here), then I have at least accomplished something, however small it may be. I know I can't afford to donate myself, but I hope to help in some way. So to the five people that visit here, please do read a bit more or just go for it (donate) and then let someone else know about it. Also, I would be extremely pleased IF you do donate, please drop me an email or comment to let me know (sign in anonymous if you wish), not how much, just that you did, and it will make my day.
I had been thinking about my other reasons for going with Team Navy. I like water? The colour of their campaign thermometer widget thing matches my blog? They live in cramped quarters and hardly get out? (Who does that sound like?) I like the ocean? Navy SEALs? I went canoeing once? They seem to be overlooked? One of my grandpas (the one that didn't talk) was a fisherman with a boat before WWII? Done deal. Go Team Navy.
There you have it. I have gone soooooo far outside myself agaaaaiiiiinnnnn.... please help make Team Navy at least respectable. (Put your hands on your hips, throw your head back and laugh.)
I know I have very few visitors here, but if I can get even one person to donate in order to enable some wounded warrior to communicate with his or her loved ones, to diarize his or her thoughts, or even blog like the man himself (read more here), then I have at least accomplished something, however small it may be. I know I can't afford to donate myself, but I hope to help in some way. So to the five people that visit here, please do read a bit more or just go for it (donate) and then let someone else know about it. Also, I would be extremely pleased IF you do donate, please drop me an email or comment to let me know (sign in anonymous if you wish), not how much, just that you did, and it will make my day.
I had been thinking about my other reasons for going with Team Navy. I like water? The colour of their campaign thermometer widget thing matches my blog? They live in cramped quarters and hardly get out? (Who does that sound like?) I like the ocean? Navy SEALs? I went canoeing once? They seem to be overlooked? One of my grandpas (the one that didn't talk) was a fisherman with a boat before WWII? Done deal. Go Team Navy.
There you have it. I have gone soooooo far outside myself agaaaaiiiiinnnnn.... please help make Team Navy at least respectable. (Put your hands on your hips, throw your head back and laugh.)

Come on people of BC! ...and the four people from Ontario, if you ever come back, and anyone else that stumbles over here.
S~ You are proof that generosity, kindness, and thoughtfulness go beyond international boarders. You have a great heart and I am proud to know you.
BTW~ I have linked your post to Words For Warriors Facebook and Twitter pages. I want Americans to know caring for the wounded is beyond borders.
Thank you for your kind words. I did a lot of "expressing" in that one, as well as a lot of linkage. I never really thought of it as being generous, or kind, or thoughtful, it just felt... right.
Thank You, Spockgirl!! Yes, to everything that Kristina Divine said. Someone less real, less human than you could give dozens of reasons to not write a post like this one of yours. Those of us who care so deeply, appreciate the troops so much, will assure you that this time, girl, you have batted one out of the park. Thanks again.
Now, about this Navy thing. HA!!! We who support the Army are going to fry you Navy types. We will beat you and then beat you again. Y'all who are rootin' for the Navy had better did deep into your bell bottom trousers for a bunch of cash, because we are loud and proud and in your face.
Go Army, and GO VALOUR IT!!!
Did I remember to say thanks, Spockgirl?
Thanks SC.
Yeah, Army was really hauling ass when I first read about this, and I heard that last year the Marines earned bragging rights. Even though I have a soft spot for the Marines, I went with Team Navy because they seemed to be late to the game and floundering.
I was just thinking though, doesn't Navy have the biggest guns?
Very cool, Spockgirl! Good luck to you and Team Navy! GO TEAM MARINE! :)
And thank you for stopping by!
Thanks for reading, and for commenting. When anyone comments, it brightens my day... seriously.
(Go Navy! Pull them britches up and get underway!)
SPOCKGIRL!!! Thank you so much for posting the link for team Navy! I was "thinking" about donating, like we do so often, but when I saw your link, I clicked and went for it!! (you know I lurk here from TAH, btw!)
Keep up the good work!
(the former "squidgirl")
Hey Boo:
Thanks! Only couple days left. I'm curious to know how Team Navy did last year. Not as much enthusiasm with the Team Navy blogs as with Army and Marines, that I have seen, but they seemed to be picking up a bit of steam.
Thanks so much for supporting Valour-IT!! The Marines are SO kicking Navy's butt - and they need to not brag to much, because the Navy is their "ride" (to a lot of places they really don't want to go...)OOHHHRAHH!!
Thanks for coming by! I don't think I have been enthusiastic about anything before in my life, but something about VALOUR IT struck a chord. (I like your unflagging support of the Marines.)
:) I didn't even know there WERE Navy blogs, other than Boston Maggie... I don't know how TeamNavy did last year, either. This is my first year really following soldier's Angels..
ah.. keep up the good work.
Hey Boo:
I've seen about ten Navy blogs. As for the level of enthusiasm I remarked on before, I suppose I could say that perhaps Navy is as Navy does. They are rather quiet and fly under the radar. I'm still waiting and hoping for the big guns though. It would be nice to see the goal met.
Spockgirl~ I think this is heading towards you maybe being a Navy Team Leader next year! Or maybe a co-captain for Navy? I think they could use someone like you =]
Ah... probably not. I would say that I have a leader mentality but a follower personality. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I just came up with it. Have someone try to wrap their heads around that one eh?
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