Hadn't been on the blog for a couple days. As I usually do, I went to the overview to check the dwindling stats, and had to do a double-take, as I noticed "1 comment". Funny though, that I didn't say "oooh... a comment", I said "what the?" The blog is pretty much dead, hence the appropriate reaction. And then the sheer utter spamness of it...
It was a comment regarding this post.
Oh... and on a sidenote, my blog just had its sixth birthday. Woohoo... or something...
Happy Belated Blog Birthday !
Thank you, real person, for reading and taking the time to comment! :D
Six years is a long time in the blogosphere. Here's to the next six!
Thank you Paul S. Glad to see you resurface! I am finding it difficult to keep this going, without forgetfully repeating myself, unless perhaps I can regain some of my former cranial capacity or find some form of mental stimulation.
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