Sunday: I could not waste this beautiful day by staying inside.
Rewind to Friday: I knew I had caught something when that sorethroat approached me Friday morning. By Saturday, my head felt at once heavy and light, my body excessively hot and cold. At some point I woke up and my hands were sweaty - not just the palms - my hands in their entirety. So today, after another sleepless night, I figured I should go outside, being that yesterday was like a rainy winter day and today was like summer. For one, I could breathe, and it was much warmer outside than in my house. I sat cross-legged in the patio chair, soaking in the sun and the air, when suddenly a ladybug alit upon my ankle. I didn't realize that she was a ladybug until the split second after I swept her off my ankle. I felt horrible, as on any other day, I would have lifted her up and placed her on a plant in the garden. All I can say is that when my head was feeling like it would both implode and explode at the same time, the reflex to move was stronger than the usual thought process. I apologize, whether it be for the accidental swatting of a ladybug today or for decapitating (technically not the right word) an earthworm whilst pulling weeds. I just hope that nobody hears me as they walk by the yard.
Oatmeal for breakfast, sun and fresh air for lunch, chicken soup for dinner. Regardless of how my body fares tonight, or the neverending worries which will resume tomorrow, today was indeed worth it.
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