In trying to figure out a title for this post, I threw around a few, but decided for simple. Primarily because I was only going to do a movie review for one, but then figured I might as well do a "watch or not to watch" bit.
Movie 1: "The Other Guys".
NOPE. NO. DNW. Do NOT Watch. I thought it was going to be one of those "stupid funny" movies, but there were many times when I just wanted to turn it off and not finish it, thinking rather foolishly that it could not get any worse. Boy was I wrong. Prior to seeing this movie, I admit that sadly I was a Marky Mark fan, but Will Ferrell not so much, with the exception of "Stranger than Fiction" which was well-written and acted. I am not even sure who did the screenplay for "The Other Guys", but honestly I don't know how it got the green light. Yes, I do think it was going for the feel of "Airplane", but I'm sorry, those were different times, and what may have worked back then, doesn't quite hit the mark nowadays, even if you throw in a couple extra "action" stars and explosions. A bad script is a bad script regardless of how much you dress it up.
Movie 2: "Guardians of the Galaxy"
I've been wanting to watch this for a while. That while became years... I missed I, II and III. I didn't even know they had made a third one. Oddly enough, I have seen a few Marvel movies over the past decade, and I do recall seeing characters from Guardians in one of them. I just can't remember which one. As for the movie. Yes, there was a lot of hype. Oftentimes, that hype translates to me not watching a movie.... Titanic, Notebook... that type of thing. In this case, it was worth the wait. As a kid born in the late 60s, growing up in the 70s, watching old westerns, British comedy, Star Trek on tv and then Star Wars at the theatre, in addition to listening to an eclectic mix of music through the years, I think this one hit me in the feels a bit more. It even prompted me to take note of a few lines:
"I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy."
"I know who you are.... and I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your... your... pelvic sorcery!"
"I will be grateful to die among my friends."
I can't think of anything else to add. Other than that it made me laugh and yes, it made me cry. And there were explosions.
Until next time. (I typed in the Spock salutation, but decided to delete it.)